Trainee Day 2022
We always look forward to hitting the road with our students and apprentices. And this year, our destination was the ZKM centre for art and media in Karlsruhe.

From media designer to 3D all-rounder
Here at the agency there are lots of opportunities to express myself as a 3D all-rounder as well as professional challenges that help me to grow.

Certified product images for the FMCG sector
The global standard and these uniform business processes are essential in stepping up efficiency and minimising costs in all the various ways product images are used.

Apprenticeship as media designer 2D
As a future media designer for digital and print, Yannik is not only experiencing classic image processing but also training in editing and video post-processing.

Optimised product data is the key to the metaverse
Just as there are no diamonds without a mine, there can be no metaverse without the content to feed it.

Apprenticeship as IT specialist
As an IT specialist for system integration, Josip is an all-rounder and ensures that we work in our agency with smoothly functioning IT systems.

Only buy products you understand.
Good product communication makes the difference. By that we mean presenting prospective customers with the benefits of the product, explaining how it works and highlighting its aesthetic appeal.

Dual Student at the agency eder
The media industry needs creative minds who convince with their fresh ideas. Read what Paul implements during his dual studies.

Apprenticeship as media designer 3D
Today we start the round of introductions of our trainees. Hannah reports in her blog about her experiences and activities at the agency.